Summer Classes

This summer will be the first time that I will be taking summer classes. There are a lot of perks to taking summer classes such as:

  • They help you get ahead in school
  • They give you something to do for the summer
  • You are able to get though a class in a short amount of time
  • You can sometimes take summer classes at a community college and transfer the credits
  • Summer classes often offer basic classes that you may have missed in your first years of college

Despite all of these perks, I have always chosen to avoid taking intercession or summer classes. I had no desire to take a fast track though college, and I often used the summer time to travel to see family and friends. Summer has always been my chance to sit back, relax, and not worry about school too much.

This summer is going to be different. 

This summer I will be taking a drawing course that relates to my major. I was very hesitant toward taking this class at first, determined I would just keep with my normal concept of taking the entire summer off. Yet, the reasons for taking a summer class quickly started to outweigh my reasons to not taking the course. As I am approaching my senior year, it is starting to become overwhelming how much and yet how little is left for me to do before I graduate. That pressure to be the student who graduates on the normal track, after just four years, is on my shoulders. By taking this class now during the summer, It frees up time during the next two semesters that I can use to focus on capstone and senior projects.

While you may not be planing to take summer classes, it is always important to remember that plans are always changing. It has always helped me to keep a list and plan of what classes I need to take each semester to graduate on time. It may help you to do the same, but do remember that time changes and it sometimes works out for the better if your plans don’t always go as you imagine.


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